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陶朗分选技术(厦门)有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:技术销售助理 Technical Sales Associate (TSA) (2人)   No.3046579 
招聘单位: 陶朗分选技术(厦门)有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2024-08-18 2024-09-17 13:31  查看招聘发布历史
招聘部门: TOMRA
联 系 人: Xu(HR)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
通信地址: 厦门市湖里区火炬园围里北路418号火炬数码广场2号楼4楼(361006)(合则约见、非请勿访)
学历要求: 本科以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 二年工作经验以上
外语要求: 英语水平要求良好
工作地点: 厦门市湖里区、昆山市
上班时间: 8.0小时/天    5天/周    正常白班
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、商业保险、带薪年假、年终双薪、绩效奖金、交通补贴、出差补贴、通讯补贴、餐饮补贴、节日福利、专业培训、弹性工作、定期体检、出国机会
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):
Location: Xiamen, Kunshan
Reports directly to: Sales Manager

Position Overview:
1.Understand market and customer needs; take responsibility for market intelligence, developing of regions/applications, including competitor analysis and monitoring.
2.Assist Sales Manager with customer management and business development to reach sales target.
3.Keep learning and growing in daily job, try to be an independent Area Sales Manager in 1-3 years

Main Responsibilities:
1.Assist Sales Manager with customer management work, including but not limited to customer visit, project follow-up, quotation making, meeting and Demo PPT preparation and other assigned tasks.
2.Delve into Technology, Category, Customer Value, and become a technical consultant to customers and Sales Manager.
3.Actively explores the market to have an image on the sales potential; the same should be supported by market mapping/evaluation.
4.Valued partner to the customers and work with the consultative sales approach mapping needs of customers and finding the right solutions.
5.Maintain leads, create opportunities and keep an updated pipeline in CRM system & accurate OI forecasts.
6.Visit/contact customers regularly, attend exhibitions/trade shows/seminars, learn industry expertise and collect customer information.

Main Requirements:
1.Bachelor or above degree, technical or food related major is preferred.
2.1-3 years’ B2B sales experience with proved successful record is preferred.
3.Good English (especially speaking, listening).
4.Solid understanding of consultative & business value selling.
5.Experience in delivering client-focused solutions based on customer needs.
6.Motivated, goal oriented, aggressive, persistent, ambitious, passion and can drive for result; never give up mentality.
7.A skilled in negotiation delivered with in a confident & persuasive manner with excellent listening skills. And good at communication and coordination with internal/external resources.
8.The TSA is needed to be located in Xiamen or Kunshan for the first half year to quickly ramp up based on systematic training program; both domestic and international travel when needed.
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 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: Xu(HR)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
联系地址: 厦门市湖里区火炬园围里北路418号火炬数码广场2号楼4楼(361006)(合则约见、非请勿访)
电子邮件: (请通过系统申请职位,系统会自动把你的应聘简历发给我)
单位地址在2D地图上的标注如下:          按地图找工作请点击我
 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 外资(欧美)
公司行业: 环保
公司规模: 101-200人
TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems that optimize resource recovery and minimize waste in the food, recycling and mining industries and is committed to building a more sustainable future.
   TOMRA has ~100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of ~1.1 billion NOK in 2021. The Group employs ~4,600 globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: TOM).
   TOMRA group established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Xiamen, China in 2010, including 2 business divisions of collection and sorting. As the headquarters of Greater China, TOMRA carries out the export of core modules and spare parts of collection equipment import and sales of complete sets of sorting equipment.
   In early 2015, the sorting division established a R&D center in Xiamen to carry out independent R&D, production and sales in the market segments of sorting equipment, focusing on the Chinese market and promoting to global customers.
   2015年初, 分选事业部进一步在厦门成立了研发中心, 针对分选设备的细分市场领域进行独立自主的研发、生产和销售,以中国市场为重心并推向全球客户。
 人才评价 回顶部


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