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Purchasing - 采购部
1、 Head of Purchasing 10-24
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单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:Head of Purchasing (1人)   No.3054491 
招聘单位: 海拉(厦门)电气有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2024-10-24 2024-10-31 14:56  查看招聘发布历史
招聘部门: Purchasing - 采购部
联 系 人: 招聘专员(HR)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
通信地址: 福建省厦门市同安区同集园集成路1446号第一层(361100)(合则约见、非请勿访)
学历要求: 本科以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 五年工作经验以上
外语要求: 英语水平要求熟练
工作地点: 厦门市
参考月薪: 1-2元/月
上班时间: 8.0小时/天    5天/周    正常白班
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):

* A Purchasing tasks
* 1 Analysing the local and regional procurement market and the respective supplier development with regard
to the objectives and requirements of the business units as well as preparing and updating the supplier
matrix, preparing qualified supplier evaluations, setting up alternative suppliers to reduce costs, achieving
technical, qualitative and other defined objectives in accordance with the requirements of the business
units in coordination with the cross-functional managers involved
* 2 Prepare and implement purchasing strategies for the local and regional purchasing organisation in close
consultation with the global purchasing organisation, the global network or the regional business unit;
contribute to establishing a globally uniform and optimised supplier base to realise synergies by bundling
the local purchasing volume, focusing on efficient suppliers and optimising the local process chain
* 3 Define material cost changes (budgeting) in coordination with HCs and supervisors to create a
coordinated planning basis and achieve the goals of the local or regional organisation but also of the
business unit
* 4 Generate measures and support the generation of measures for the commercial and technical optimisation
of components or purchasing volumes to reduce costs and improve quality and security of supply
* 5 Analysing local or regional suppliers in cooperation with the suppliers, identifying opportunities for
improvement and deriving corresponding qualification measures with the involvement of internal
organisational units in order to optimise the process chain between the supplier and Hella
* 6 Consolidate annual material requirements and conduct negotiations with responsible suppliers (granting)
to achieve optimal purchase prices
* 7 Supporting the initiation of discussions and the execution of negotiations and contract design to reduce
costs as well as the optimisation of processes between suppliers and Hella and the assertion of Hella
interests, taking into account deadlines, quality, quantity and delivery conditions
* 8 Summarise and document the purchasing activities derived from the purchasing objectives in order to
initiate and implement the necessary measures
* 9 Contribute to the creation of Standards for the development of purchasing strategies, operational
processes and sourcing activities for the global purchasing organisation in close consultation with the
head office or the business unit
* 10 Coordinate tasks and decisions with supervisors as needed
* 11 Prepare and implement sourcing activities with regard to achieving project goals such as costs,
deadlines and quality, as well as implementing the definition of the standards required for this purpose
* B Leadership
* 1 Assigning employees according to their qualifications within the appropriate structure; instructing (targeting
and motivating) and supporting employees to perform their tasks
* 2 Instruct, guide and instruct employees in function-related tasks
* 3 Responsible for performance appraisals and for qualification requirements
* 4 Leading employees by agreeing on objectives as well as delegating, selecting, qualifying and developing
employees on the basis of a culture of trust, effectiveness control to level and develop potentials as well
as promoting individual competences to fulfil departmental objectives


* university degree
* More than 4 up to 5 years
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 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: 招聘专员(HR)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
联系地址: 福建省厦门市同安区同集园集成路1446号第一层(361100)(合则约见、非请勿访)
单位地址在2D地图上的标注如下:          按地图找工作请点击我
 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 外资(欧美)
公司行业: 电子技术/半导体/集成电路、汽车及零配件
   海拉(厦门)电气有限公司是海拉(中国)投资有限公司于2011年在厦门市同安区投资设立的全资子公司, 注册资本人民币壹仟贰佰万元,是生产汽车电子控制产品的德资企业,致力于汽车执行器、传感器等汽车电器及汽车电子控制产品的设计、研发和生产制造,产品广泛地应用在汽车的控制系统、门锁系统、车窗升降、天窗控制、座椅调节、 车灯控制、冷却系统、ABS系统,也可用于工程车辆及其他自动化控制设备中。公司在厦门市政府及同安区政府扶持下,被评为厦门市三高企业。
   海拉在快速发展的同时也努力为所有员工创造良好的工作环境和极具竞争力的薪酬福利体系,包括但并不限于:年终奖金、激励奖金计划 、工作餐贴、员工班车、五险一金、补充商业保险、带薪休假、节假日庆祝及员工活动、其它福利计划等。
 人才评价 回顶部


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