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厦门海辰酒店有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:西餐厅经理 (1人)   No.2944789 
招聘单位: 厦门海辰酒店有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2024-10-28 2024-11-27 09:08  查看招聘发布历史
招聘部门: F&B Servie/餐饮服务
联 系 人: 林先生(HR)
联系电话: 0592-6885555-6568
通信地址: 厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号(361026)(合则约见、非请勿访)
学历要求: 大专以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 三年工作经验以上
外语要求: 英语水平要求良好 年龄要求: 18岁至40岁
工作地点: 厦门市海沧区
参考月薪: 7000-9000元/月
上班时间: 8.0小时/天    6天/周    正常白班
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、带薪年假、节日福利、专业培训、包吃、包住、工作制服
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):

The Western Restaurant Manager is responsible for providing an efficient and high quality service in western restaurant. The western restaurant is responsible for continually focusing on achieving and always ensuring the high quality service standard of an international luxury hotel is achieved. They must achieve guest satisfaction targets and team member satisfaction, and they are responsible for evaluating the performance, and developing and implementing regular skills training for all staff. Reports directly to the Director of F&B and is responsible for achieving service quality targets in restaurant, and for the implementation and compliance of all food and beverage policies and practices (SOP) of hotel and group.



1. Effectively manage the restaurant by ensuring the following:有效的管理餐厅,确保以下几方面:

· Oversee the Implementation of standards as detailed in the departmental standards and procedures manual.根据部门标准和程序手册,监督执行的情况。

· Adhere to bill paying procedures.遵循账单支付的程序。

· Conduct effective shift briefings ensuring all staff are aware of VIPs, special occasions, daily specials; emphasis on up selling certain products; etc.组织有效的交接班例会,确保所有员工知道了解贵宾、特别场合和每日的特色菜,并推销更好的产品。

· Personally meet and farewell a minimum of 80% of your customers.至少亲自接待百分之八十的客人以及与他们告别。

· To train and develop supervisors and staffs; so that they are able to achieve themselves job.培训和发展主管和员工,以确保他们能够独立完成部门的工作。

· Be an inspiration to all hotel staff to achieve luxury levels of performance.激励员工以确保员工达到奢华的服务水平

2. Share recommendations and guest comments to Chef and Food and Beverage Director to reflect current customer profile.与厨师和餐饮总监共同分析客人的评论和建议以了解顾客最近的整体情况。

3. Develop and implement Promotions Calendar for F&B products in restaurant.在餐厅发展和执行餐饮部产品的促销计划。

4. Arrange outlet promotion plan(monthly,special day,etc) with chef, and push the promotion.与厨师长商定部门推广计划(包含月度,特殊节假日等),推进执行最终商定的推广计划。

5. Anticipate market changes and review operations when necessary.注意市场的变化,必要时回顾营运情况。

6. Conduct competitor analysis.分析竞争者的情况。

7. Create positive publicity opportunities.创造积极的公开机会。

8. Manage customer database and utilize effectively.管理顾客的资料并有效的利用。

9. Up-sell property facilities.推销更好的设施。

10. Actively pursue cost saving measures.积极地采取开支节省措施。

11. Recycle wherever possible.合理利用有效资源。

12. Liaise with sales manager during tender process to obtain new accounts, Food and Beverage specific.在发展过程中与销售部经理联系,以获得新的客户和特色的食物和酒水。控制人力成本和酒水成本。

13. Stock control.库存控制。

14. Analyze food and beverage statistics through point of sale system.分析食物和酒水的销售额。

15. For conferring daily with department leaders and management on any operational problems. Conducting inspection tours of the operation to ensure proper cleanliness, manning and mise- en- place for daily business.与上级或主管级员工交流协商每日的运作问题。在每日营业期间视察运作的场地确保适当的情节、人事安排以及摆放等。

16. Must maintain effective discipline over the department, ensuring that all departmental rules and regulations are adhered to. And that all grooming and hygiene standards are maintained. Taking disciplinary action wherever required to enforce this.维持部门内有效的纪律,确保遵循所有部门的规章制度,仪容仪表和卫生标准。在需要贯彻执行的


17. To be responsible for overall operations of the restaurant.负责餐厅所有的营运。

18. To assign and delegate responsibilities and authority for the operation areas within the department to the assistant manager and supervisors. Developing the position within a suitable time frame (to be discussed) so that they may be able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the restaurant manager.为副经理/主管分配和委派部门内操作区域的责任和职责。在适当的时间周期内发展有潜力的员工,以便他们能够执行餐厅经理的责任和职责。

19. To maintain effective communication on the activities of the department with the F&B office and other areas of the hotel, in order to provide the best possible service to the guests.与餐饮办公室和酒店其他部门就酒店的活动保持有效的交流,以便为客人提供最佳的服务。

20. Industry, by means of monthly competitor evaluations, industry analysis and trade literature.每月评估竞争对手,行业分析和贸易文学注意发展趋势、实操、可用的新产品和行业内的近况。

21. To maintain a high profile within the restaurant during service periods, with emphasis on guest relations and needs.在服务期间保持餐厅良好的形象,特别注意与客人的关系及他们的要求。

22. According to Wyndham Grand Brand standard,prepare the service sequence,food service standard,beverage pick up/service standard, etc.按照集团品牌标准起草制定部门服务流程,服务标准,出品标准等部门制度,跟进审批,并督促执行。

23. Arrange the training, to ensure that the outlet team projects professionalism, that employees are well trained in their jobs and are well-groomed and uniformed. Achieve training target and record by monthly.安排好部门培训,确保我们团队的专业性,员工受到专业的技能培训和良好的专业形象; 完成部门每月培训工作并做好汇总。

24. To plan and co-ordinate a guest recognition program, and implement once approved by the F&B Director.计划和协调客人的优惠政策计划,在餐饮总监的同意下立即执行。

25. To ensure that all service and quality standards are maintained as per theoperating policy of the outlet and requirements as set by the hotel, and to correct whenever required.确保根据酒店的要求和餐厅的操作制度提供高质量的服务,并在有必要时纠正。

26. To attend and participate in all monthly F&B departmental meetings and daily morning briefings and to send replacement on scheduled days off.参加每月的餐饮部会议和每日晨会,并安排休息时的换班。

27. To do monthly maintenance checks on al equipment, furniture and fixtures and reports all areas in need of attention to the appropriate department.每月检查所有的设备、家具和工具,向相应部门报告需要注意的相关区域。

28. To ensure the safety of all equipment held within the restaurant, ensuring that all equipment is properly handled, cleaned and stored at all times. Correcting any areas which are in need of attention, so that all compliance with established polices is carried out.安全的操作餐厅内的所有设备,确保时刻适当的操作、清洁和储存。改进需要注意的区域,以遵循现有的制度。

29. To ensure that potential breakages are avoided and that staff are aware of the departmental breakage procedure. And that full compliance is received with regards to minimizing breakage.避免潜在的损坏,确保所有的员工注意部门的损坏程序并完全遵循以将损坏降到最低程度。

30. To actively participate in the set up and running of any promotion held in the outlet, including planning and implementation of such promotions.积极的参加餐厅组织的布置和运作促销活动,包括这种促销活动的计划和执行。

31. Appraise performance of subordinates every 6 months and recommends appropriate action basing on results of rating.每六个月对下属员工进行业绩评估,并基于评估结果提出相应措施。

32. Anticipate and address guest issues and establish proactive processes to promote guest satisfaction.预测并解决客人的问题,建立积极主动的工作流程以提高客户满意度。

33. Interacts in a positive way with other departments to ensure a luxury guest experience.以积极的方式与其他部门进行沟通,以确保客人的奢华体验。

34. Ensures compliance with local health and safety regulations.确保遵守当地的健康和安全法规。

35. Must be an example of the Wyndham Grand Values, brand standards, and a champion of grooming and appearance guidelines.确保成为温德姆品牌价值观,品牌标准及仪容仪表的典范。

36. Responsible for achieving the service quality performance rating for F&B above the competitor market average.确保我们的餐饮出品及服务高于市场平均水平。
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 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 国营企业
公司行业: 酒店/旅游
厦门海旅温德姆至尊酒店, 坐落于美丽的海沧湾,海沧大道的起点,是厦门市海沧区首家国际奢华五星级品牌酒店。其地理位置优越,与鹭江道和鼓浪屿隔水相望,紧邻出口加工区,厦门自贸试验区。交通便捷,至厦门高崎国际机场及厦门火车站仅需20分钟车程,距厦门动车北站仅需30分钟车程,到达高速入口仅需3分钟车程,与嵩屿码头仅相距500米,乘船至鼓浪屿及轮渡中山路仅需15分钟。
该企业的信用信息可访问 天眼查 进行查询
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 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: 林先生(HR)
联系电话: 0592-6885555-6568
联系地址: 厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号(361026)(合则约见、非请勿访)
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