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1、 过程质量工程师(6个月) 11-21
2、 招退役军人(正式岗)) 11-21
3、 互感器/绝缘件后处理(ABB正式岗) 11-21
4、 设备维修技术员(ABB正式岗位) 11-21
5、 生产组长(ABB低压正式岗位) 11-21
6、 采购员(外资企业) 11-21
7、 IQC质检(高压) 11-21
8、 采购员(外企) 11-21
9、 厦大数学院行政管理人员 11-21
10、 人事专员(某国企) 11-21
11、 机械工程师(代某国企招聘) 11-21
12、 电气工程师(代某国企招聘) 11-21
13、 搬运工 11-21
14、 FQC质检员(ABB电力设备) 11-21
15、 成套装配工(ABB开关) 11-21
16、 装配技术员(高压正式岗) 11-21
17、 机台组装(高压) 11-21
18、 气瓶车司机(林德气体) 11-21
19、 质检员(ABB低压) 11-21
20、 高压装配(正式岗)) 11-21
21、 数控铣床操作工(林德叉车) 11-21
22、 高压测试(正式岗位) 11-21
23、 仓管员(ABB电力设备) 11-21
24、 钣金工-折弯机操作员(ABB电力设备) 11-21
25、 开关柜装配工(ABB低压) 11-21
26、 浇注岗(ABB电力设备) 11-21
27、 机械装配工(林德叉车) 11-21
28、 绕线岗(ABB电力设备) 11-21
29、 数控设备操作员(林德叉车) 11-21
30、 RBS Leader(精益专家) 11-21
31、 HR Manager 11-21
32、 Quality Manager 11-21
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厦门市人脉人力资源管理服务有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:RBS Leader(精益专家) (1人)   No.3055208 
招聘单位: 厦门市人脉人力资源管理服务有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2024-11-21 2024-12-16 08:59  查看招聘发布历史
招聘部门: 运营管理人才
联 系 人: 王女士(专员)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
通信地址: 厦门市湖里区殿前街道火炬路321号诚享大厦3层324(361015)(合则约见、非请勿访)
学历要求: 硕士研究生以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 不限
外语要求: 英语
工作地点: 漳州市
参考月薪: 25000-35000元/月
上班时间:    5天/周    正常白班
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、商业保险、带薪年假、交通补贴、通讯补贴、节日福利、免费班车、定期体检、员工旅游
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):
【Job responsibilities】:
1.Continuous Improvement & Effective Problem Solving
1) Support the organization in achieving SQDCG and financial objectives through effective application of the Regal Business System tools and methodologies to achieve continuous improvement.
2) With the leadership team, partner to understand the current site business objectives and financial targets, develop a vision for the site‘s future operational/growth needs and implement a plan to achieve those outcomes.
3) Provide subject matter expertise across the organization by partnering with functional, business and site leaders to assess current processes and identify process/performance gaps and improvement opportunities.
4) Manage a robust Regal Business System review process for selecting, scoping and prioritizing improvement initiatives ( Policy Deployment, CI Roadmap, Kaizens, Projects and CI Talent) to achieve goals.
5) Recognized as a leader with the ability to identify, diagnose and solve even the most complex business problems utilizing a fact-based, team-oriented and structured approach.
6) Coach, mentor, and train site/functional members on continuous improvement methods based on Subject Matter Expertise.
7) Drive and exemplify a positive attitude in the face of adversity to solve problems and align a team around effective problem solving.
8) Skilled and experienced in decomposing a strategic vision into actionable strategies and tactics.
2.Influential Leadership
1) Serve as a vital resource and coach for guiding process improvement and Regal Business System deployment across the business.
2) Lead and exemplify the culture of continuous improvement across the organization.
3) Effectively engage, coach and communicate with all levels of the organization.
4) Energize and engage the organization to progress in long term improvement actions while meeting today‘s business performance needs. Balance strategy and tactics, helping the organization evolve and achieve its growth ambitions.
3.P&L Leadership Business Partner
4) Ability to work as a member of the leadership team to develop and communicate a future vision for the business. Garner followership across the organization to progress the transformation to achieve the future state.
5) Analyze and assess business metrics (SQDCG and financials) and processes across the business to develop impactful improvement strategies.
6) Ability to accurately assess key business metrics, trends and situations from a “general manager’s” point of view
4.Talent Management
4) Identify, coach and engage talent across the business to leverage RBS Continuous Improvement tools and methodologies to support their professional advancement and improve the business‘s operational performance.
5) Optimize the talent within the organizational structure and foster an environment to promote individual and team growth.
6) Train, mentor and build continuous improvement skill and philosophies across the organization.

1.Education:Bachelor‘s degree in a technical field. Advanced degree preferred.
2.Typical Years of Experience:5-10 years lean/RBS working experience
3.Professional Certification(s):Master Black Belt in Lean / Six Sigma (or equivalent expertise)
4.Good at problem solving, project promotion, cross-departmental communication skills; Strong leadership
5.Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading and writing.
投递简历向网管投诉】 【收藏该公司其他职位

 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: 王女士(专员)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
联系地址: 厦门市湖里区殿前街道火炬路321号诚享大厦3层324(361015)(合则约见、非请勿访)
单位地址在2D地图上的标注如下:          按地图找工作请点击我
 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 民营/私营公司
公司行业: 专业服务(咨询,人力资源)
厦门市人脉人力资源管理服务有限公司成立于2000年4月, 是经厦门市人力资源和社会保障局批准设立的专业人才中介和人才派遣服务机构。成立22年来,先后服务过包括ABB、柯达、林德叉车、林德气体、美光、安费诺、日立能源、SGS、民航快递、东方航空、福建广电网络、福建中邮物流、厦门大学、厦门航空、厦门电信、厦门移动、厦门广电、厦门邮政、厦门烟草工业、厦门金龙、厦门金鹭、泉州广电、漳州邮政、龙岩邮政、立达信等跨国公司和知名中资企业一大批优秀雇主单位。
 人才评价 回顶部


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